Sheridan Johns: Most illustrator Freelance (Potret & Seni Digital)

Sheridan Johns is an Freelance Illustrator based in Melbourne, Australia. She specializes in illustration and Portraits and Digital Art. To stay up to date and find out more about Sheridan, check out her Network.

Sheridan Johns adalah Illustrator Freelance berbasis di Melbourne, Australia. Dia mengkhususkan diri dalam ilustrasi dan Potret dan Seni Digital. Seperti Di bawah ini bloggebu pengen ngasih lihat hasil karya Sheridan Johns  yang ok buat di jadikan inspirasi sobat potret seni digital dari wajah-wajah para selebritis. Dan Untuk tetap up to date dan mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Sheridan, periksa Jaringan nya.di deviantart



Harvey Keitel

Harvey Keitel
Harvey Keitel

Robert Downey Jr

Robert Downey Jr
Robert Downey Jr

Will Smith from I Am Legend

Will Smith from I Am Legend
Will Smith from I Am Legend

Tim Roth

Tim Roth
Tim Roth

Michael Madsen

Michael Madsen
Michael Madsen

Kim Coates – Sons of Anarchy

Kim Coates - Sons of Anarchy
Kim Coates - Sons of Anarchy

Amber Heard – DRIVE ANGRY

Amber Heard - DRIVE ANGRY
Amber Heard - DRIVE ANGRY

Tim Roth – LIE TO ME

Tim Roth - LIE TO ME
Tim Roth - LIE TO ME

Harvey Keitel

Harvey Keitel
Harvey Keitel



Neytiri’s Tears

Neytiri's Tears
Neytiri's Tears

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